
Source code for heka.config

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# Contributor(s):
#   Rob Miller (
#   Victor Ng (
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"""Helpers to handle HekaClient configuration details."""
import ConfigParser
import StringIO
import copy
import json
import os
import re

from textwrap import dedent

from heka.client import HekaClient
from heka.exceptions import EnvironmentNotFoundError
from heka.path import DottedNameResolver

_IS_INTEGER = re.compile('^-?[0-9].*')
_IS_ENV_VAR = re.compile('\$\{(\w.*)?\}')

def _get_env_val(match_obj):
    var = match_obj.groups()[0]
    if var not in os.environ:
        raise EnvironmentNotFoundError(var)
    return os.environ[var]

[docs]def _convert(value): """Converts a config value. Numeric integer strings are converted to integer values. 'True-ish' string values are converted to boolean True, 'False-ish' to boolean False. Any alphanumeric (plus underscore) value enclosed within ${dollar_sign_curly_braces} is assumed to represent an environment variable, and will be converted to the corresponding value provided by os.environ. """ def do_convert(value): if not isinstance(value, basestring): # we only convert strings return value value = value.strip() if _IS_INTEGER.match(value): try: return int(value) except ValueError: pass elif value.lower() in ('true', 't', 'on', 'yes'): return True elif value.lower() in ('false', 'f', 'off', 'no'): return False match_obj = _IS_ENV_VAR.match(value) if match_obj: return _get_env_val(match_obj) return value if isinstance(value, basestring) and '\n' in value: return [line for line in [do_convert(line) for line in value.split('\n')] if line.strip() != ''] return do_convert(value)
[docs]def nest_prefixes(config_dict, prefixes=None, separator="_"): """ Iterates through the `config_dict` keys, looking for any starting w/ one of a specific set of prefixes, moving those into a single nested dictionary keyed by the prefix value. :param config_dict: Dictionary to mutate. Will also be returned. :param prefixes: Sequence of prefixes to look for in `config_dict` keys. :param separator: String which separates prefix values from the rest of the key. """ if prefixes is None: prefixes = ['stream'] for prefix in prefixes: prefix_dict = {} for key in config_dict.keys(): full_prefix = prefix + separator if key.startswith(full_prefix): nested_key = key[len(full_prefix):] prefix_dict[nested_key] = config_dict[key] if prefix_dict: if prefix in config_dict: config_dict[prefix].update(prefix_dict) else: config_dict[prefix] = prefix_dict return config_dict
[docs]def client_from_dict_config(config, client=None): """ Configure a heka client, fully configured w/ stream and plugins. :param config: Configuration dictionary. :param client: HekaClient instance to configure. If None, one will be created. The configuration dict supports the following values: logger Heka client default logger value. severity Heka client default severity value. disabled_timers Sequence of string tokens identifying timers that are to be deactivated. filters Sequence of 2-tuples `(filter_provider, config)`. Each `filter_provider` is a dotted name referring to a function which, when called and passed the associated `config` dict as kwargs, will return a usable HekaClient filter function. plugins Nested dictionary containing plugin configuration. Keys are the plugin names (i.e. the name the method will be given when attached to the client). Values are 2-tuples `(plugin_provider, config)`. Each `plugin_provider` is a dotted name referring to a function which, when called and passed the associated `config`, will return the usable plugin method. stream Nested dictionary containing stream configuration. All of the configuration values are optional, but failure to include a stream may result in a non-functional Heka client. Any unrecognized keys will be ignored. Note that any top level config values starting with `stream_` will be added to the `stream` config dictionary, overwriting any values that may already be set. The stream configuration supports the following values: class (required) Dotted name identifying the stream class to instantiate. args Sequence of non-keyword args to pass to stream constructor. <kwargs> All remaining key-value pairs in the stream config dict will be passed as keyword arguments to the stream constructor. """ # Make a deep copy of the configuration so that subsequent uses of # the config won't blow up config = nest_prefixes(copy.deepcopy(config)) config_copy = json.dumps(copy.deepcopy(config)) stream_config = config.get('stream', {}) logger = config.get('logger', '') severity = config.get('severity', 6) disabled_timers = config.get('disabled_timers', []) filter_specs = config.get('filters', []) plugins_data = config.pop('plugins', {}) encoder = config.get('encoder', 'heka.encoders.ProtobufEncoder') hmc = config.get('hmac', {}) resolver = DottedNameResolver() # instantiate stream stream_clsname = stream_config.pop('class') stream_cls = resolver.resolve(stream_clsname) stream_args = stream_config.pop('args', tuple()) stream = stream_cls(*stream_args, **stream_config) # initialize filters filters = [resolver.resolve(dotted_name)(**cfg) for (dotted_name, cfg) in filter_specs] if client is None: client = HekaClient(stream, logger, severity, disabled_timers, filters, encoder=encoder, hmc=hmc) else: client.setup(stream, encoder, hmc, logger, severity, disabled_timers, filters) # initialize plugins and attach to client for section_name, plugin_spec in plugins_data.items(): # each plugin spec is a 2-tuple: (dotted_name, cfg) plugin_config = plugin_spec[1] plugin_override = plugin_config.pop('override', False) plugin_fn = resolver.resolve(plugin_spec[0])(plugin_config) client.add_method(plugin_fn, plugin_override) # We bind the configuration into the client itself to ease # debugging client._config = config_copy return client
[docs]def dict_from_stream_config(stream, section): """ Parses configuration from a stream and converts it to a dictionary suitable for passing to `client_from_dict_config`. :param stream: Stream object containing config information. :param section: INI file section containing the configuration we care about. """ config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.readfp(stream) client_dict = {} # extract main client configuration for opt in config.options(section): client_dict[opt] = _convert(config.get(section, opt)) # extract filter config from filter sections filters = [] filter_sections = [n for n in config.sections() if n.startswith('%s_filter' % section)] for filter_section in filter_sections: filter_config = {} for opt in config.options(filter_section): if opt == 'provider': # must be a dotted name string, don't convert dotted_name = config.get(filter_section, opt) else: filter_config[opt] = _convert(config.get(filter_section, opt)) filters.append((dotted_name, filter_config)) client_dict['filters'] = filters # extract plugin config from plugin sections plugins = {} plugin_sections = [n for n in config.sections() if n.startswith("%s_plugin" % section)] for plugin_section in plugin_sections: plugin_name = plugin_section.replace("%s_plugin_" % section, '') plugin_config = {} provider = '' for opt in config.options(plugin_section): if opt == 'provider': # must be a dotted name string, don't convert provider = config.get(plugin_section, opt) else: plugin_config[opt] = _convert(config.get(plugin_section, opt)) plugins[plugin_name] = (provider, plugin_config) client_dict['plugins'] = plugins # extract hmac config from hmac sections hmc = {} hmac_section = "%s_hmac" % section if config.has_section(hmac_section): hmc['signer'] = config.get(hmac_section, 'signer') hmc['key_version'] = config.get(hmac_section, 'key_version') hmc['hash_function'] = config.get(hmac_section, 'hash_function') hmc['key'] = config.get(hmac_section, 'key') client_dict['hmac'] = hmc client_dict = nest_prefixes(client_dict) return client_dict
[docs]def client_from_stream_config(stream, section, client=None): """ Extract configuration data in INI format from a stream object (e.g. a file object) and use it to generate a Heka client. Config values will be sent through the `_convert` function for possible type conversion. :param stream: Stream object containing config information. :param section: INI file section containing the configuration we care about. :param client: HekaClient instance to configure. If None, one will be created. Note that all stream config options should be prefaced by "stream_", e.g. "stream_class" should specify the dotted name of the stream class to use. Similarly all extension method settings should be prefaced by "extensions_". """ client_dict = dict_from_stream_config(stream, section) client = client_from_dict_config(client_dict, client) return client
[docs]def client_from_text_config(text, section, client=None): """ Extract configuration data in INI format from provided text and use it to configure a Heka client. Text is converted to a stream and passed on to `client_from_stream_config`. :param text: INI text containing config information. :param section: INI file section containing the configuration we care about. :param client: HekaClient instance to configure. If None, one will be created. """ stream = StringIO.StringIO(dedent(text)) return client_from_stream_config(stream, section, client)