Metlog Configuration

To assist with getting a working Metlog set up, metlog-py provides a Config module which will take declarative configuration info in either ini file or python dictionary format and use it to configure a MetlogClient instance. Even if you choose not to use these configuration helpers, this document provides a good overview of the configurable options provided by default by the MetlogClient client class.

The config module will accept configuration data either in ini format (as a text value or a stream input) or as a Python dictionary value. This document will first describe the supported ini file format, followed by the corresponding dictionary format to which the ini format is ultimately converted behind the scenes.

ini format

The primary MetlogClient configuration should be provided in a metlog section of the provided ini file text. (Note that the actual name of the section is passed in to the config parsing function, so it can be any legal ini file section name, but for illustration purposes these documents will assume that the section name is metlog.) A sample metlog section might look like this:

logger = myapp
severity = 4
disabled_timers = foo
sender_class = metlog.senders.zmq.ZmqPubSender
sender_bindstrs = tcp://
sender_queue_length = 5000
global_disabled_decorators = incr_count

Of all of these settings, only sender_class is strictly required. A detailed description of each option follows:

Each metlog message that goes out contains a logger value, which is simply a string token meant to identify the source of the message, usually the name of the application that is running. This can be specified separately for each message that is sent, but the client supports a default value which will be used for all messages that don’t explicitly override. The logger config option specifies this default value. This value isn’t strictly required, but if it is omitted ‘’ (i.e. the empty string) will be used, so it is strongly suggested that a value be set.
Similarly, each metlog message specifies a severity value corresponding to the integer severity values defined by RFC 3164. And, again, while each message can set its own severity value, if one is omitted the client’s default value will be used. If no default is specified here, the default default (how meta!) will be 6, “Informational”.
Metlog natively supports “timer” behavior, which will calculate the amount of elapsed time taken by an operation and send that data along as a message to the back end. Each timer has a string token identifier. Because the act of calculating code performance actually impacts code performance, it is sometimes desirable to be able to activate and deactivate timers on a case by case basis. The disabled_timers value specifies a set of timer ids for which the client should NOT actually generate messages. Metlog will attempt to minimize the run-time impact of disabled timers, so the price paid for having deactivated timers will be very small. Note that the various timer ids should be newline separated.
This should be a Python dotted notation reference to a class (or factory function) for a Metlog “sender” object. A sender needs to provide a send_message(msg) method, which is responsible for serializing the message and passing it along to the router / back end / output mechanism / etc. metlog-py provides some development senders, but the main one it provides for intended production use makes use of ZeroMQ (using the pub/sub pattern) to broadcast the messages to any configured listeners.
As you might guess, different types of senders can require different configuration values. Any config options other than sender_class that start with sender_ will be passed to the sender factory as keyword arguments, where the argument name is the option name minus the sender_ component and the value is the specified value. In the example above, the ZeroMQ bind string and the queue length will be passed to the ZmqPubSender constructor.
Any configuration value prefaced with global_ represents an option that is global to all Metlog clients process-wide and not just the client being configured presently.

In addition to the main metlog section, any other config sections that start with metlog_ (or whatever section name is specified) will be considered to be related to the metlog installation. Only specific variations of these are supported, however. The first of these is configuration for MetlogClient Filters. Here is an example of such a configuration:

provider = metlog.filters.severity_max_provider
severity = 4

provider = metlog.filters.type_whitelist_provider
types = timer

Each metlog_filter_* section must contain a provider entry, which is a dotted name specifying a filter provider function. The rest of the options in that section will be converted into configuration parameters. The provider function will be called and passed the configuration parameters, returning a filter function that will be added to the client’s filters. The filters will be applied in the order they are specified. In this case a “severity max” filter will be applied, so that only messages with a severity of 4 (i.e. “warning”) or lower will actually be passed in to the sender. Additionally a “type whitelist” will be applied, so that only messages of type “timer” and “oldstyle” will be delivered.


Metlog allows you to bind new extensions onto the client through a plugin mechanism.

Each plugin must have a configuration section name with a prefix of metlog_plugin_. Configuration is parsed into a dictionary, passed into a configurator and then the resulting plugin method is bound to the client.

Each configuration section for a plugin must contain at least one option with the name provider. This is a dotted name for a function which will be used to configure a plugin. The return value for the provider is a configured method which will then be bound into the Metlog client.

Each plugin extension method has a canonical name that is bound to the metlog client as a method name. The suffix that follows the metlog_plugin_ prefix is used only to distinguish logical sections for each plugin within the configuration file.

An example best demonstrates what can be expected. To load the dummy plugin, you need a metlog_plugin_dummy section as well as some configuration parameters. Here’s an example


Once you obtain a reference to a client, you can access the new method.

from metlog.holder import CLIENT_HOLDER
client = CLIENT_HOLDER.get_client('your_app_name')
client.dummy('some', 'ignored', 'arguments', 42)

dictionary format

When using the client_from_text_config or client_from_stream_config functions of the config module to parse an ini format configuration, metlog-py simply converts these values to a dictionary which is then passed to client_from_dict_config. If you choose to not use the specified ini format, you can parse configuration yourself and call client_from_dict_config directly. The configuration specified in the “ini format” section above would be converted to the following dictionary:

{'logger': 'myapp',
 'severity': 4,
 'disabled_timers': ['foo', 'bar'],
 'sender': {'class': 'metlog.senders.zmq.ZmqPubSender',
            'bindstrs': 'tcp://',
            'queue_length': 5000,
 'global': {'disabled_decorators': ['incr_count']},
 'filters': [('metlog.filters.severity_max',
              {'severity': 4},
              {'types': ['timer', 'oldstyle']},

To manually load a Metlog client with plugins, the client_from_dict_config function allows you to pass in a list of plugin configurations using the plugins dict key, used in the same fashion as filters in the example directly above.

The configuration specified in the “plugins” section above would be converted into the following dictionary, where the key will be the name of the method bound to the client:

{'dummy': ('metlog.tests.plugin:config_plugin',
           {'port': 8080,
            'host': 'localhost'

Debugging your configuration

You may find yourself with a metlog client which is not behaving in a manner that you expect. Metlog provides a deepcopy of the configuration that was used when the client was instantiated for debugging purposes.

The following code shows how you can verify that the configuration used is actually what you expect it to be

cfg = {'logger': 'addons-marketplace-dev',
       'sender': {'class': 'metlog.senders.UdpSender',
       'host': ['logstash1', 'logstash2'],
       'port': '5566'}}
client = client_from_dict_config(cfg)
assert client._config == json.dumps(cfg)